Geography Senior Rosie Alexandra Ward is named University Medalist Finalist

May 9, 2023

Rosie Ward

“During the pandemic, I felt a sense of uselessness, feeling there was little I could do while isolating to help my friends and others struggling in the community. I gained a sense of purpose by becoming involved in campus research surrounding the gender equity ramifications of stay-at-home orders and by tailoring the California Legal Studies Journal to COVID-related submissions. I also learned that simply listening can be just as impactful as problem-solving.”

Geography Senior, Rosie Ward, has been named a University Medalist finalist, a prize that honors the most distinguished graduating seniors on the UC Berkeley campus. The University Medal was established in 1871, and candidates must have achieved a GPA of 3.96 or higher while overcoming significant challenges and making an impact on the lives of other people. Congrats, Rosie!