Mary Jirmanus Saba, PhD Candidate, Published In Critical Times

March 30, 2023

Tear gas and smoke bombs in Beirut's southern suburbs when police were called in to disperse Saturday's protests

"To build a strike image archive from a position of solidarity is an ongoing aspiration but never a guarantee, like that of building a movement itself. But it is essential if our work with images is to do more than solidify the same ownership structures that made movements necessary and urgent in the first place."

In the article, "What's the Use of a Strike Archive?: On Image Archives, Surplus, and Solidarity," Mary Jirmanus Saba, PhD Candidate, highlights the need to think critically about the limitations and possibilities of image archives depicting the uprisings and revolutions across the Arab world, lest it appear the image of revolution is all we have left. Read the entire article published in the latest issue of Critical Times here.(link is external)

Congrats, Mary!

Featured photo: Tear gas and smoke bombs in Beirut's southern suburbs when police were called in to disperse Saturday's protests. Dar Al Sayyad.