The financial analyst assists Geography Department members with reimbursements for expenses related to UC business that they have paid for with personal money.
UC Berkeley uses this website to process reimbursements (instructions here). Department members can enter their own requests for reimbursement using this system.
Unless a purchase will be reimbursed from a department member's own funds, department members must confirm that an expense will be covered before they purchase it.
Students who would like to request financial support should reach out to their faculty advisor(s) or mentor(s). If faculty agree to fund the request, students should forward the faculty member's approval to the department's financial analyst, or cc the faculty member on their email to the financial analyst. In the case that a faculty member is unable to offer funding, but supports a request for departmental support, that faculty member should be in touch with the department's financial analyst and manager.
All reimbursement requests require the following documentation:
Business purpose (a description of how the item will be used to forward the mission of your teaching or research)
Itemized receipts showing proof of purchase in your name
Reimbursement requests submitted by type— travel, entertainment, and general, and our campus has policies for each. No matter how the purchase is funded, all expenses must be in compliance with UC Policy (outlined below) to be eligible for reimbursement.
Travel reimbursements include airline tickets, ground transportation, lodging, and entertainment while on UC business.
Travel reimbursements cannot be processed until after the trip is over. They must be submitted to the department within 30 days of completion on the trip to avoid the reimbursement counting as taxable income. UCOP requires that all travel reimbursements be submitted to them within 45 days of the trip.
Daily lodging limits for domestic trips under 30 days is set at a $275 room rate, excluding taxes and fees. A traveler who is required to attend a conference where the prearranged conference lodging rate exceeds the $275 per night maximum may stay at the conference hotel without exceptional approval with an explanation and documentation provided with the reimbursement request. Otherwise, when the traveler is unable to secure lodging at $275 per night or less, exceptional approval is required.
If a trip is less than 24 hours, meals are not reimbursable, unless there was a need for an overnight stay.
When traveling within the continental U.S., the daily limit is $79. This limit is not a per diem. Only actual expenses can be reimbursed. The daily per diem limit when traveling internationally or offshore U.S. varies by location and is based on the U.S. State Department per diem rates.
Entertainment reimbursements include breakfast, lunch, dinner, light refreshments, bulk food, and beverages.
Entertainment reimbursements cannot be processed until the event is complete. They must be submitted to the department within 30 days of completion on the trip to avoid being classified as taxable income. UCOP requires that all entertainment reimbursements be submitted to them within 45 days of the event.
You must submit a guest list of who attended the event including the guests’ names and affiliations. Per-person Maximums (including costs for labor, sales tax, delivery charges, and other service fees):
- Breakfast - $31.00
- Lunch - $54.00
- Dinner - $94.00
- Light refreshments - $22.00
General reimbursements include books, course materials, office supplies, computer supplies, conference fees, and professional memberships.
While the same 45 day UCOP requirement is not in place for reimbursements for general purchases, please submit them in a timely manner. All general reimbursements must be submitted within the same calendar year that they were purchased.
Reimbursement is only permitted for goods required for UC business, not services.