Working Paper 1
Economies of Violence: Petroleum, Politics and Community Conflict in the Niger Delta, Nigeria: Michael Watts, Ike Okonta, and Dimieari Von Kemedi; 2004
Working Paper 2
Human Rights, Violence, and the Oil Complex: Michael Watts; 2004
Working Paper 3
The Sinister Political Life of Community: Economies of Violence and Governable Spaces in the Niger Delta, Nigeria: Michael Watts; 2004
Working Paper 4
Oil and Militancy in the Niger Delta: Terrorist Threat or Another Colombia?: Oronto Douglas, Ike Okonta, Dimieari Von Kemedi, and Michael Watts; 2004
Working Paper 5
Oil on Troubled Waters: Dimieari Von Kemedi; 2005
Working Paper 6
Death-Agony of a Malformed Political Order: Ike Okonta; 2005
Working Paper 7
Oli Revisited? Oil and State Violence in Odioma, Brass LGA, Bayelsa State: Elias Courson; 2006
Working Paper 8
Oil and the Urban Question: Fuelling Violence and Politics in Warri: Marcus Leton; 2006
Working Paper 9
The Politics of a Company Town: A Case Study of Eket and Ibeno, Akwa Ibom State: Marcus Leton; 2006
Working Paper 10
Fuelling the Violence: Non-State Armed Actors (Militia, Cults, and Gangs) in the Niger Delta: Dimieari Von Kemedi; 2006
Working Paper 11
Behind the Mask: Explaining the Emergence of the MEND Militia in Nigeria’s Oil-Bearing Niger Delta: Ike Okonta; 2006
Working Paper 12
Social Inclusion of the Disadvantaged Groups : The Challenge for Civil- and Community-Based Organizations in the Niger Delta: Yomi Oruwari; 2006
Working Paper 13
Post-Conflict Peace Building and Democracy in an Oil Region: The Role of Women's Groups in the Niger Delta Region, Nigeria: Yomi Oruwari; 2006
Working Paper 14
Youth in Urban Violence in Nigeria: A Case Study of Urban Gangs from Port Harcourt: Yomi Oruwari; 2006
Working Paper 15
The Burden of Oil: Social Deprivation and Political Militancy in Gbaramatu Clan, Warri South West LGA, Delta State, Nigeria: Elias E. Courson; 2007
Working Paper 16
Petro-Insurgency or Criminal Syndicate?
Conflict, Violence and Political Disorder in the Niger Delta: Michael Watts, 2008
Working Paper 17
Imperial Oil: The Anatomy of a Nigerian Oil Insurgency: Michael Watts, 2008
Working Paper 18
Sweet and Sour: Michael Watts, 2008
Working Paper 19
Green Governance: The Case of Akassa Community Forests Management and Development Plan: Sofiri Joab-Peterside, 2007
Working Paper 20
Oil Transparency in the Niger Delta: Improving Public Sector Oil Derived Resource Flows and Utilization in Abia State, Nigeria: Sofiri Joab-Peterside, 2007
Working Paper 21
On the Militarization of Nigeria's Niger Delta: The Genesis of Ethnic Militia in Rivers State, Nigeria: Sofiri Joab-Peterside, 2007
Working Paper 22
Blood Oil: The Anatomy of a Petro-Insurgency in the Niger Delta, Nigeria: Michael Watts, 2008
Working Paper 23
Tipping Point: Into the Darkness: Michael Watts, 2009
Working Paper 24
Environmental Impact Assessment and Sustainable Development in the Niger Delta: The Gbarain Oil Field Experience. Tari Dadiowei, 2009
Working Paper 25
Crude Politics: Life and Death on the Nigerian Oil Fields Michael Watts, 2009
Working Paper 26
Rethinking Conflict in the Niger Delta: Understanding Conflict Dynamics, Justice and Security Sofiri Joab-Peterside, Doug Porter, Michael Watts, 2012
Working Paper 27
OIL TALK Michael Watts, 2012