
Lecturer Joel Wanek Wins Berkeley Collegium Grant Award

April 18, 2024
Professor Joel Wanek

Congratulations to Lecturer Joel Wanek, who has been chosen as a recipient of a Berkeley Collegium Grant Award for his proposal, "Deep Listening: Sonically Mapping Bay Area Creeks!”

Research on Atmospheric Rivers Makes Headlines Across News Sources

April 25, 2024

Associate Adjunct Professor Dave Wahl's research group has made headlines with their work on atmospheric rivers. After the group published a paper in Nature, their findings were shared across news sources, including the SF Chronicle,...

Associate Professor Brandi Summers Interviewed by Berkeley Social Sciences

April 25, 2024

Members of the Archive of Urban Futures team in front of Mom's House in West Oakland

Associate Professor Summers spoke to Berkeley Social Sciences recently about her career, her work with students, and her work to advance Oakland, where she grew up. Read her entire interview...

Eli Perloff, Geography Senior, Wins the Eisner Prize

April 30, 2024

early morning at a BART station, cars parked, the tracks visible above

Congratulations to Eli Perloff, Geography senior, who has been selected for the highest award for creativity given on the UC Berkeley campus, the Eisner Prize! Eli's winning work, a short film titled (In)Between Spaces, was created in Lecturer Joel...

Annabelle Law, Geography Senior, Shares Her Experience Presenting at the 2024 AAG Conference

April 30, 2024

Annabelle Law

Annabelle Law, Geography senior, was awarded $400 in department funds to participate in the weeklong 2024 AAG conference. Below, she shares her experience and insights from the event.

Attending the American Association of Geographers (AAG) conference in Hawai’i this year was an experience that intertwined learning, reflection, and immersion in a complex socio-geographical context. The choice of...

Erendida Corona and Ally Matheson, Geography Undergraduates, Present at Cal Day

April 13, 2024

students on stage presenting to a large room full of attendees

Big thanks to Erendida Corona and Ally Matheson, Geography undergraduates who represented Berkeley Geography well during the panel "Finding Your Academic Path at Berkeley" on Cal Day for incoming first-year students. As part of the ACES panel, they talked about finding a community at UC Berkeley and emphasized how being a...

Ally Matheson, Geography Undergrad, Chosen for Virginia Tech Internship

April 26, 2024

Ally Matheson

Ally Matheson, Geography undergraduate, has been hired as a summer research assistant for the Dayer Lab at Virginia Tech! Ally will be working closely with Nathan Thayer, a postdoctoral researcher, to analyze survey data collected from members of...

Antonio Gramsci and Current Conjuncture Conference Recordings

April 19, 2024
We are writing to share the videos from the “Antonio Gramsci and the Current Conjuncture Conference” held in McCone Hall, UC Berkeley on December 2, 2023, which are now available on the Trinity Social Justice Institute website. Please find it here. We regret that the last two panels are not available due to technical difficulties. Apparently, the camera simply quit recording and we were unable to salvage despite our...

The Borders of Paradise, a new documentary by Geography undergraduate, Fraser Byers

March 21, 2024

Migrant on raft out at sea

The Borders of Paradise is an intimate dive into Ventimiglia, the final Italian town before the French border and is where 30,000 asylum seekers annually arrive in an attempt to enter the rest of Europe. Produced by Fraser Byers, Geography undergraduate, the film captures the physical and psychological...